Are you getting tired of the constant discussion over gun violence? I am. In fact I am sick of hearing about it in the news every day. School shootings are a shameful occurrence. There is no excuse for people using any kind force (gun or otherwise) to intimidate or harm kids in school. That being said, what the heck is wrong with the people who are doing these things. The AR-15 rifle used in the school shootings in Connecticut is not responsible for the deaths of the kids. The shooter is the person who is responsible. And let’s not forget the lady who allowed her mentally ill son to access the weapon. It’s a shame they are both dead. If they were still alive they should receive the death sentence. The mom for being dumb and naive and the son for being sick in the head.
Lots of people die every day. (Innocent ones too) Diseases, suicide, and automobile accidents are just a few of the causes of death that take more lives than “gun violence” every year. But you know why you never hear those stories… that stuff is not exciting enough and does not make for riveting news or grand speeches.
If the media and politicians really wanted to save lives, they would focus on the things that are really killing lots of Americans. (see previous paragraph) But let’s face the facts. Media and politicians want top billing and exciting stories and riveting speeches that polarize people and cause disagreements.
When was the last time any politician said: “to save lives and end the constant stream of needless deaths, Americans need to eat right, stop smoking, exercise and drive safely” (I have never heard that speech.)
I guess the media and politicians don’t really have my best interests in mind. They have their best interests in mind. More viewers, readers or listeners mean more ad revenue and fatter bank accounts for the media. That is why when the story bleeds, it leads. Politicians rely on self serving tactics and run the issue up the flag pole, see who cheers and sells their constituents on the fact that they are the pro-gun (or anti-gun), pro-abortion (or anti abortion), pro-health care (or anti-healthcare) candidate that you should vote for. Their objective is to get re-elected and continue to wield influence and power as they please.
Back to guns. There are already tons of gun laws on the books in every state of this nation. Most of which are just not being enforced. Gun control is not the answer. Enforcing existing gun laws is the answer.
… just my opinion in the 714. What do you think?
Jan 23, 2013
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