"A well regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
I will not waste your time with an interpretation of the 2nd amendment because it was and is so carefully worded that it can only have one meaning.
Let me give you an example from nature: Cheetahs chase a gazelle with the intention of killing and eating it. The gazelle can run or choose to defend itself by turning and fighting the lion with its' horns and hooves. The gazelle has a right to defend itself. No sane person would argue this point. However, supporters of Gun Control seek to increase the safety of the gazelle by cutting off its' horns and hooves. This makes no sense.
focusing on our differences will always divide us. Focusing on our country's common objectives and using our cultural diversity to come together and push progress is this country's only way out of the current political stagnation and cultural divisions.
Bottom line: gun
control is what ignorant, uneducated people lacking common sense talk about in order to avoid having tough conversations about lack of personal and social accountability, non-acceptance of differing political, social, economic, racial, religious and sexual orientation viewpoints. (to name a few)
Any action seeking to restrict or limit the Constitutionally afforded rights and protections so clearly spelled out in the Bill of Rights is nothing less than an attack on the Constitution of this country. The Bill of Rights was adopted into our country's constitution as a protection for the people of this country against tyrannical government actions.
Any action seeking to restrict or limit the Constitutionally afforded rights and protections so clearly spelled out in the Bill of Rights is nothing less than an attack on the Constitution of this country. The Bill of Rights was adopted into our country's constitution as a protection for the people of this country against tyrannical government actions.
(just my opinion) what do you think?