the USA is a Constitutional Republic...
In a pure democracy, the majority rules. If the majority decides they want your home, they will take it from you. If the majority wants to imprison you, you go to prison. If the majority want you destroyed, you are destroyed.
In a republic, your property is your property and by law cannot be taken against your will. You are afforded inalienable rights; which by law cannot be taken from the you.
The United States of America is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.
The Constitution is the law that protects us from the will of the majority; the individual is protected from the majority by Constitutional Law.
In a republic, supreme power is held by the people and the officials they elect must wield that power as the Laws allow. A Republic has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
A Constitutional Republic is what we inherited from those who came before us... It is up to us to keep it safe and pass it on to our children.
If you wonder why some elected officials are calling for the rescission of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, wonder no more... they want to remove the laws that protect YOU from THEM; so they can do to you as they please.
The never ending COVID lockdowns and orders to wear a mask are the test run for a rapid rescission of YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS. Most Americans have followed the rules without question and have, by action, surrendered their inalienable rights to the ruling class. Don't act like sheep... they usually get fleeced and slaughtered.
Have you ever wondered why the word "democracy" sounds a lot like the word "Democrat"?... The Democrats have been the driving force for nearly every violation of rights this country has seen since the country was founded on July 4, 1776. From slavery to the KKK to abortion "rights" if individuals are loosing rights afforded by the Constitution or the Bill of Rights Democrats are usually behind the action.
that is my opinion. what do you think?