Jan 28, 2021

Recall Gavin Newsom



have you had enough? 

economy smashed by shutdowns, businesses closed, unemployment incentivized by reckless spending and freebies, kids forced into "distance learning", subsidies for criminals and aliens (but not for citizens), free needles for drug users, homeless taking over cities, crime spiraling out of control, poor execution of vaccine distribution, billions in wasted taxpayer dollars, rampant corruption at all levels of public leadership, covid, covid, covid, covid!... 

is all this making you think of leaving the golden state?

do not run and hide in Texas, Arizona or another state.

do something about it. 

Take action. 

California is our home. Take back our great state from those who are intent on profiting from the destruction and dismantling of the largest economic power in the USA; the 5th largest economy in the world. 





I have done my part and sent in my signatures. 


stop complaining about the problem. 

be a part of the solution. 

we have unitl 03/10/2021 to get the needed signatures.


Jan 10, 2021

2020 Presidential Election - the results are... in?

Biden vs Trump
2020 Presidential Election

I could not have been more wrong about Trump. 
In my 07/16/2016 post: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton
I lamented the possibility of either candidate reaching office in 2017... I'll admit my mistake. 

Turns out that Donald Trump was just what this country needed. A veritable bull in the china shop. A tireless man without the political baggage in the White House doing for Americans and our allies what no other politician has ever had the will to do. Putting American's interests first and rooting out the layers of bullshit that have stalled American politics for decades. 

In just four years Trump:
  • placed the Chinese government in check with tariffs meant to equalize the trade imbalance and give American businesses a reason to proudly hoist the "Made in America" banner.
  • has secured an agreement to normalize relations between Israel and a major Arab countries in decades.
  • met with the leader of North Korea to bring the country to the table as a friend rather than a foe.
  • decreased taxes for middle class Americans
  • pulled back the invasive tentacles of the Affordable Care Act
  • made measureable progress in slowing the flow of people and drugs illegally entering the country along our southern border.
  • made it through a non-stop barrage starting with accusations voter fraud (in 2016 election), Russia Collusion, Impeachment and now the actual voter fraud in the 11/2020 presidential election.
Donald Trump has gone against the traditional way of doing things since day one. He has not succumbed to the traditional corruption and "get paid to play" methods that have plagued our politicians for decades. He has upset so many politicians and media personalities that a new term was invented to describe his affect on those that he has called out: "Trump Derangement Syndrome" 

Now, in the final days of his first term, he faces the most brazen of crimes ever committed by civilian leaders: a stolen presidential election. Evidence of election irregularities have been out in the open for all who cared to look to see:
  • votes cast by deceased persons
  • votes cast by ineligible persons: (non-citizens and felony convicts to name a few)
  • Voting systems by Dominion used which are known to be "remotely adjustable" to reach a desired winner.
  • more votes cast and counted than eligible voters in multiple counties in multiple states
  • video evidence showing fraudulent ballots being included for counting after observers were sent home
  • paused counts and ballot dumps which changed multiple county and state results in  key swing states in early morning hours after election observers were sent home
  • affidavits signed by counters and observers detailing many more occurrences of vote tampering, forging, acceptance and certification of illegal votes.
  • changes to election rules made by persons who did not have authority to change the rules (only state legislators can do that)
  • hundreds of millions of mail in ballots illegally placed in circulation contrary to state election laws.
  • illegal suspension of voter identification and verification requirements by election officials.
Any Participant in these acts of election fraud in the recent election is guilty of treason. Full stop.
(Definition of treason: the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country.)

My prior post: Four More Years for Trump shines a light on the actions our current president may lawfully take in the coming days to once again do what is in the best interest of these Unites States of America. 

I take my hat off to Donald Trump. He has been the only American willing to fight for the American way. Even most of his supporters have given up hope... Hell I was one of them. 

To have the strength to move forward, I found it necessary to look to my past... I am thankful for the chance to live in these United States, and remember the pledge I used to repeat every day in school:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

lastly: a message to Donald Trump: Thank you for fighting for Americans. Thank you for being a patriot. thank you for your selfless efforts to Make America Great Again. (Honestly I don't think America was ever not great!)

...that's all I have to say about that. 

what do you think?