Jul 30, 2020

You had enough of BLM / Black Lives Matter? - VOTE 2020

Black Lives Matter. They sure do.

I would argue that ALL LIVES MATTER.... property owners lives, business owner's lives, tax payer lives, student's lives and American lives.

Allowing these lives to be destroyed by the "mostly peaceful" demonstrations that have been allowed by our liberal progressive leaders to "intensify" into riots and looting all across our country is completely unacceptable.

Allowing these lives and businesses to be destroyed by tyrannical lockdowns for the healthy instead of quarantines for the sick and vulnerable is unacceptable.

The disintegration of basic morals, the lack of leadership, the constant pandering to subversive  terrorist organizations combined with the complete disregard for the lives, property and businesses of decent hard working Americans is the death note for these spineless mayors and governors.

I trust that the silent majority of voters have had enough of these liberal, woke, racist, pandering assholes and will choose to use the power given to them by the founding fathers to expel these incompetent leaders from the positions of power in the upcoming elections.

Vote Trump!

Liberals, Progressives and Personal Accountability (or lack thereof)

The words: "personal accountability" are not used much these days. Today's liberal society wants to shift the responsibility for just about everything away from the individual and assign it to something or someone else. Hard work, a strong moral compass, common sense and freedom are no longer considered good things.

Many people are being lured into Liberal thinking... a free wheeling, no rules lifestyle which is open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. Discarding traditional values is the problem. Traditional values have been the compass that has led the people of this great republic we live in through the great depression, two world wars and countless difficulties.

Today, politicians are preaching liberal ideas as the new normal. Let's take a look at the definition of the word...

liberal: "open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values."

the "open to new opinions" part is not the problem, the "willing to discard traditional values" is the problem. In years past Americans were a hearty bunch. Willing to take on challenges and do what was right. This is why we went to the moon and fought for those who needed our help in Europe during WWI and WWII.

In today's liberal environment, everyone is being told they are victims of something or owed something or offended by something. The liberal mentality is infections and makes its' followers weak by believing they are unable to do anything by or for themselves. It also grants "permission" to disregard the rule of law and do whatever makes you feel good.

a few examples of liberal and progressive agendas:
  • open borders: the uncontrolled coming and going of any and all people into our sovereign land
  • entitlement benefits for all (including those who enter the country illegally) based on the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
  • pandering: to groups especially gay, transgendered, pedophiles, minorities, women and immigrants to gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.) in the hopes of gaining the votes.
  • abortion: the deliberate termination of a human life
  • gun control: the objective is the recission of the 2nd amendment.
These agendas are aimed at making Americans weak and increasing the power of the government. The underlying message is that you are incapable of making the right decisions; so we will make them for you. The bottom line is: the liberal agenda is not democratic. it is socialist. it is marxist. the end objective is the removal of the power of the people and redistribution of wealth (into the pockets of those in power) and total control of the population.

the election is less than 100 days away. be careful who you choose to lead out country... the liberal party is looking for a way to take away your freedom and increase their power so that they can redistribute your wealth into their pockets...