Feb 25, 2024

Green New Deal - Blackouts and grid failures predicted by PJM

this is not my opinion... this is what the Wall Street Journal and people who operate one of the nation's largest power grids predicts: 

The warnings keep coming that the force-fed energy transition to renewable fuels is destabilizing the U.S. electric grid, but is anyone in government paying attention? Another S.O.S. came Friday in an ominous report from PJM Interconnection, one of the nation’s largest grid operators.

The PJM report forecasts power supply and demand through 2030 across the 13 eastern states in its territory covering 65 million people. Its top-line conclusion: Fossil-fuel power plants are retiring much faster than renewable sources are getting developed, which could lead to energy “imbalances.” That’s a delicate way of saying that you can expect shortages and blackouts.

PJM typically generates a surplus of power owing to its large fossil-fuel fleet, which it exports to neighboring grids in the Midwest and Northeast. When wind power plunged in the Midwest and central states late last week, PJM helped fill the gap between supply and demand and kept the lights on.

see for yourself: https://www.wsj.com/articles/s-o-s-for-the-u-s-electric-grid-pjm-interconnection-blackout-supply-renewables-subsidy-report-fossil-fuel-4cbdd56e?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1 here is what PJM says:

PJM’s 2024 technical report: https://www.pjm.com/-/media/library/reports-notices/load-forecast/2024-load-report.ashx the bottom line: the people running this country could care less about their constituents; as long as they can continue funding for thier pet projects and lining their pockets with taxpayer money... make sure you vote to stop these reckless politicians.

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